Monday, February 21, 2011

Brrr, Saturday, you were cold.

Ahh, Winter, old friend, you have returned once more. I knew that everyone (myself included), joyous over the Spring like weather, were about to have our realities reintroduced to us. See, it's still February and we still have at least another month and a half of winter ahead of us. We still have March marching towards us and sometimes, actually most times, this is not a good thing, since March is one of the coldest months of the year.

This past Saturday, indeed Winter returned in all it's glory. The wind, strong enough to push a boat crafted from an old Volkswagon from Cuba to the sandy shores of freedom known as Florida in one mighty blow, blew upon us all day long. This wind created tiny tornado's of trash that twisted itself down the streets of Greenpoint in amazing fashion, spreading itself about to only beautify the neighborhood that much more. This scenario made the bike ride from my house over the Williamsburg bridge into the East Village even more enjoyable, though I complete my journey unscathed.

As the sun set and day faded into the night, so too did the temperature drop only making being outside that more unbearable. After eating Ramen and traveling to Whole Foods with my girlfriend, we slowly navigated our way back towards her home. On the way back we stumbled upon a group of girls not from the city, but from Jersey. I knew they were from Jersey simply because the tags on their car stated they hailed from the garden state.

There is nothing wrong with traveling to the city to enjoy an evening out on the town, even if you traveled via bridge or tunnel, my friends from Long Island do this all of the time. What amazed me about seeing these girls was that even in 20 degree weather, with the wind blowing as it was, these girls were in mini skirts and high heels. I was amazed at these girls, because even if I was nuts, which I am sure I am at least semi nuts, I would never be able to walk around like that. I don't mean walk around in skirts, I mean I would never be able to walk around in this weather with my legs exposed.

This made me realize how badly people want Spring to arrive. Trust me, Spring will arrive, just not as quickly as we would like it to arrive. I think people are simply fed up with winter, and like an ex lover that continues to cling to you after you have broken up with them, we just want winter to move on and find happiness elsewhere. So people, please stay warm, and Spring will be here shortly.

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