Monday, February 28, 2011

The Oscars

Oscars Grouch, Wilde and Mayer
Last night, the Oscars, considered to be one of the most, if not thee prestigious movie award ceremonies in the galaxy was shown live on TV last evening. Galaxy I say, since the universe revolves around Hollywood, right? That is why we call them "stars", no? The Oscar is basically an award for people who have performed their really job really well, while providing entertainment the masses.

An Actors job, similar to a coke dealers job, is providing entertainment for people. Both have potential to earn vast amounts of income, the difference being an actors body of work is captured on film, while a coke dealers work is captured as residue on money. The coke dealer when busted normally will be locked away for a long time, where the actor can normally buy their way out of jail time, ironically with money that most likely has coke residue on it. It seems like in Charlie Sheen's case, the actor and dealer can not live without the other almost forming a symbiotic relationship, this is not the case with all actors, just some.

The Oscar Fish
Actors prance around pretending to be someone they aren't in a world of make believe. This is why they justly deserve to be awarded unlike a doctor, who day in and day out, possibly save the lives of a few people now and then in a very real world. Even soldiers in combat, fighting a war I may not agree with, deserve to be paid more, soldiers' put their lives on the line while in the face of danger (audience claps).

The most absurd thing about the Oscars, coverage of the red carpet. Really? Does it matter what any "star" is wearing? Ahem, is this microphone on? Yes, the actors look great, which is why they are graded from A to F on yahoo, but the red carpet shouldn't about designers. This isn't New York fashion week. Focus people (clap, clap), this should be about the movies. I think people should be more concerned about themselves, families and friends, these are the people who give you the shirt off their back in times of need, not some movie star smiling on a carpet the color of blood.

Oscar de la Hoya
Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy watching movies just like the next person. I'm simply ranting so I have something to write about this afternoon. Yes, I do believe actors are over paid in the same manner than an athlete is over paid to run around in tight pants playing with balls, not that there is anything wrong with playing with balls. Acting and creating a movie is definitely a craft which is why the creme de la creme are awarded as such. I couldn't act my way out of a paper bag and surely do not possess any type of skill to make a movie so I must congratulate all of the losers for not winning because even though they didn't walk out that little statue, they are still awesome.

I am just happy the movie of the year was not a remake.

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